Customer Segmentation Using the K-means Clustering Algorithm and Recency Frequency Monetary Model at Pharmaceutical Product Wholesaler


  • Nur Muhammad Iqbal Universitas Pertamina
  • Yelita Anggiane Iskandar Universitas Pertamina
  • Ferani Eva Zulvia Universitas Pertamina



Pharmaceutical Distributor, Customer Relationship Management, K-Means Clustering Algorithm, Recency Frequency Monetary


PT Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution (KFTD) is a company engaged in the distribution and trading services of Indonesian health products, on a national scale. In 2022, the company aims to increase sales to be awarded as one of the top 3 national pharmaceutical product distributors by 2024. Their current strategy is to provide customers with delayed payment permission and integrated complaint services. However, the offers and services are the same for all customers which does not consider customer track record hence it is not cost-effective. One way to increase sales is by enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies. Several strategies can be carried out, namely analysis of associations related to pharmaceutical products, and analysis of customer segmentation and clustering of products. The method used in this study was the K-means clustering algorithm combined with the Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM) model. Experiments showed that the optimal clustering results are 4 therefore they are categorized into 4 customer segments, namely Superstar, Golden, Typical, and Occasional Customers.


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How to Cite

Iqbal, N. M., Iskandar, Y. A., & Zulvia, F. E. (2024). Customer Segmentation Using the K-means Clustering Algorithm and Recency Frequency Monetary Model at Pharmaceutical Product Wholesaler. International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS), 4(2), 53–60.